He broker her heart
She broke his everything....
She broke his everything....

I recently watched My Super Ex-Girlfriend, starring Uma Thurman & Luke Wilson. I won't rehash the storyline...but basically:
- Uma Thurman looked hot!
- Luke Wilson is adorable and I wish he was my next door neighbour
- Uma Thurman & Luke Wilson would make an awesome couple in real life
- The special effects are great
Note - especially: Uma flying through the roof, the "shark attack" - A bit of sexual innuendo (bed crashing through the walls!)
- The comedy was passable
- It was great seeing Uma in a role like this
- It was awesome seeing a woman "saving the world from evil"
- Uma looked like Mary Poppins each time she descended to the ground
- Luke's friend in the film was funny & annoying at the same time
- FYI : the screenwriter for the film is also a writer on The Simpsons
- An average time-pass movie to see with the girls
- Guys think it's a chick flick and will probably only see it for the "chick from Kill Bill"
- Question: Was this 'super-hero(ine)' film released too soon after Superman Returns?

" Guys think it's a chick flick and will probably only see it for the "chick from Kill Bill" " ... and your point is?
:) - nah, I really liked this film too.
So...any other guys out there who didn't just see it for the "chick"?!
Luke Wilson was my FPMBF before Akshaye, so I should definitely see this.
this is exaclty what i feel like watching!
Luke was ur first FPMBF?!
btw - FPMBF = Fake Pretend Movie Boyfriend :)
Wonder if it's still on at Roxbury?
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