Monday, April 16, 2007

Graduation week-end


Here are a few pics from my graduation this past week-end...

View of the stage

Being capped

Being hooded

My family - Dad, brother (Darmesh), Mum & me

Brother (Darmesh) & me

Telana & me

Paul (my TV lecturer) & me

Robin Palmer (Anthropology lecturer) & me

Edward, me, Angie

Colleta & me

Himesh & me

Daylin & me

Priscilla, baby Phoebe & me


Trush, Ur Daily Dose of Hotness said...

OMG!!!!!!!!!!! I bet you know who this is!!! You're chatting to me right nw!
Anyway just wanna say that that pic of you and Daylin is just soo CUTE!!!!!!!!! Dang girl he is CUTE!!! I say go for him!!! Just remember.... Im sorry to say this bt....the truth hurts!!!! Let your heart follow ur heart!!!

Sheetal said... cousin

If I havn't told you this before, you are CRAZY :P Actually, you have heard that from me..but it's nice to remind you once in a while.

See you soon, you lil' nutcase you...

Oh yes, & I love you :P x

Trush, Ur Daily Dose of Hotness said...

Hehehehe!!! You know it!!!
Goodnight my love....Dream of Daylin 2night!!!!

P.S. Absence only makes the heart grow fonder MWA!

Anonymous said...

Hey there.Sorry I didn't reply to your last sms.I fell asleep.Yeah you are absolutely 101% correct in saying that people are gushing over your bro.He's quite a dish.Himesh isn't too bad on the eyes either.Where do these men hide:) hee hee ha ha.You ask me how I was doing?Well things are okay.It's our Financial Year End @ work so things here are beyond hectic.I received my first lot of Study Material - girl, I dont know what I was thinking.But I just have to get the right frame of mind and alot of positive motivation and I'm sure that I will pull through this course with flying colours.Well, I gotto run. Back to the grindstone.Miss you my friend.All my love foreva. Chantal xxxxx

Mosilager said...

Congratulations Sheets!

Sheetal said...

thanks so much for the message :) i'm glad to hear that things are good on ur end, and ur going to start studying? that's fantastic :> just keep at it - you'll be fantastic!
mwah x

Sheetal said...

thank you SO much :> chat to u soon xxx

Pumba said...

Hey, pics look great! Congrats again.

Chat later, D!

Anonymous said...

How lovely Sheetal. Congratulations. It must be a real thrill. What are you doing now and where are you located?
Aunty Lesley Ann

Anonymous said...

Hey Sheetal

Congratulations Graduate!!!! All the best for the future. It looks like you had a fantabulous time at the grad. Promise will come and have a look at the rest of the pics. Anyway chat to you soon.

Lots of Love

Sheetal said...

hey ;) thanks so much! chat to u soon, yeah? -s

Sheetal said...

lesley anne foster
thanks so much, aunty lesley anne!
will send you a quick email on my forthcoming plans...

Sheetal said...


Hey cuz ;) Thanks for visiting & for the congratulatory wishes..Look forward to seeing you real soon xxx

love ya

Anonymous said...

Sheetal,Congraulations to you can take a little breather...haaaaaa...
Vivian (USA)

Sheetal said...

hi :) thank you so much for the message..hope ur well xxx

Daddy's Girl said...


Sheetal said...

daddy's girl
hi :) thank you so much! will visit you soon... x

Maja said...

Great pictures Sheetal, it looks like it was biiig ceremony - we don't do it like that here, you just get your certificate thing, there's no stages and robes and speeches ... It's a shame because it doesn't feel like anything special that way, but it should because it's an important point your life. Anyway, congratulations!! I wish you all the best in your future plans :)

Sheetal said...


Hi Maja! So sorry for the late response. Thanks for your lovely message..I promise to stop by real soon. xxx