Just a few pics from my first week in CapeTown... there are literally 100's more though.

Green Market Square

Me & Fady @ Waterfront

In Simonstown (Me, owner of cafe, Anthea, Angelina & Fady)

Cubana in Greenpoint
Hello & welcome to my humble cyber abode. I write about many things - My life as an English teacher, finding my path in life, gadgets, travel, friends, food, love...anything & everything! Thanks for visiting, and please don't leave without leaving a message for me!
thanks for the pics my child.i can see that u having a blast. enjoy it my babes.will be joinging you soon.
Love you lots MOMZ
hah. i´ve been going over your pics again and just read over "akshay kumar arrives @ cubana. ok. cool. WAIT A MINUTE. scroll back up. and WOW!
hiii! yeah it was pretty cool that AK was there. have u seen his new look lately?
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