Monday, November 19, 2007

First time snow...

After school today, I went winter shopping - I know, I left it till the very last minute ...but over this past w'end, the Korean winter suddenly became extremely brutal. Walking to school this morning, my hands were numb. So I managed to buy a jacket, coat, gloves etc...

I was walking to the bus stop to come home, and this man who was smoking passed me. I thought his cigarette ash flew in my face BUT it was actually the first bits of snow that was falling! I was giddy with joy and excitement, calling my friends while I was riding the bus home.

This is from the bus:

This is a snowflake that fell on my window in the bus:

Kids catching the first bits...

Near my apartment...

My apartment window

Yes - only I would take a video of my first snow sighting :P

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