Losing a cellphone in South Africa:
Two years ago, I lost (I guess now I can say it was stolen) my two-week old cellphone on campus. I panicked and backtracked trying to figure out where it was. I called my number, but it just rang. When I called again, the phone had been switched off. I blocked my sim card immediately...but I managed to find out that the person who "picked" up my cellphone had the audacity to make NINE (yes, 9) phone calls from MY phone! I remember being unable to sleep that night...something so personal of mine was in someone else's hands...all my contacts and text messages... gone. I filed a report at the police station, but obviously I was unsuccessful.
Moral of the story: When you "lose" a cellphone in South Africa, spend only 10 minutes looking for it. Because I can assure you - it's gone for good...
Losing a cellphone in South Korea:
This afternoon I tried calling one of my co-teachers on her cellphone, but a man answered the phone. I thought perhaps I dialed the wrong number. I handed the phone to one of my other co-teachers to speak Korean to the person, but we just left it at that - I had dialed the wrong number.When I eventually met the teacher I was looking for, I told her what happened. She panicked. She thought her cellphone was in her handbag! Clearly it wasn't. We called her number again and the same man answered. This is what happened.
My co-teacher went to a holiday farm over the week-end and must have dropped her phone on the dirt road. Someone picked it up and decided to keep it till the owner called for it. He and my co-teacher talked for a few minutes. He told her that I was the first person to call the number, but he couldn't understand me. And he was very surprised that the owner hadn't called to claim it yet.
I couldn't believe this: He was concerned that her cellphone battery was going to die, in which case no calls would be received, so .... He charged her cellphone for her! The two made plans to meet tonight, and thankfully ...my co-teacher will have her cellphone back.
Moral of the story: When you "lose" a cellphone in Korea, don't worry - you're almost sure to get it back :)
Hi Sheets,
Yes i remember that day when your phone got stolen. Hectic hey. But this goes to show you that its not like that everywhere hey.
Hope you are well and doing good.
Love ya
Sean Naidoo
It's sooo good to hear from u! how are u doing? I thought of you on Sunday - I met this hottie on the subway...his name was sean (spelt sean). I told him one of my best friend's name is sean!
what's new?
as jy 'n sel foon verloor in Grahamstad dan is dit gesteel want al die studente is baie careless..so moenie die hele suid afrika blameer.In korea hulle weet nie wat om te doen met sel fone want hulle het nie geld vir airtime
the fact of the matter remains that south african's can't be trusted.
please sign of your comments!
baie dankie.
Aww that's so cool, shows that there are still decent people left in our world.
daddy's girl
u said it ;) have a great day!
hey there - just like you to meet a hottie on the subway.
Hope you told him the sean from SA was also a hottie.
Hi Sheets what a different world you're living in a sure total contrast to beautiful S.A. Happy Diwali by the way, someone told me 'twas 2day, hope i'm not mistaken.
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