Lanterns are hung to celebrate Buddha's Birthday ~ which is a national holiday in Korea...This is near my apartment:

From Wikipedia:
"The birthday of Buddha is celebrated according to the Lunar calendar. This day is called 부처님 오신 날 (Bucheonim osin nal), meaning "the day when Buddha arrived" or 석가탄신일 (Seokka Tanshin-il) meaning "the day of Buddha's Birthday". Lotus lanterns cover the entire temple throughout the month which are often flooded down the street. On the day of Buddha's birth, many temples provide free meals and tea to all visitors. The breakfast and lunch provided are often sanchae bibimbap."
hey sheets its sean. hope you are still well. love u lots and miss ya stax
mwah - and thats a big sloppy kiss
hey sean
thanks for the msg.. i'm very well thanks - hope u are too ... hugs
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