Daddy, this is gim-bap!
Gim = seaweed & Bap = rice.
Gim = seaweed & Bap = rice.
Rice is spread onto a sheet of seaweed, and thin pieces of veggies are placed on it. They roll it up, and cut it into about 8-10 pieces.

Hello & welcome to my humble cyber abode. I write about many things - My life as an English teacher, finding my path in life, gadgets, travel, friends, food, love...anything & everything! Thanks for visiting, and please don't leave without leaving a message for me!
looks like a california roll...
miss you sheets!!
sorry I've neglected u!!
hi :) wow where've u been?
I've been right here!! Where have you been ;)
Hey girl. You must be over the moon. I was by Aurora the other day and she said that your mum is leaving today to visit you. I can just imagine how happy you must be. She also said that you will be coming down for a short while as well. Please let me know when you here. We can get together for a cuppa and I can show you my pride and joy - Baby Dominique. He was 4 months old the 10th. He's really growing too fast. Incase you've lost my number - here it is again (072 373 1988) Lovies - Chantal
i've been here... there...everywhere! ^^*
hi :) it's so nice to hear from u ~ yeah, my mum arrived last night. I'll be down in August. Having a get together - I'll send u a text with details when I'm in town. Will chat to you soon... Hugs to Baby Dominique ~ Love & big hugs xxx
That looks just like sushi...mmm, I love sushi!
hi :) yeah, i thought so too.. but totally different from sushi. i love gim-bab ^^
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