After 10 seconds of walking in, I was not expecting to see a GIANT male organ emerging from the ground 'welcoming' me. I walked around - not knowing where to look, how to look etc...! I had a smirk on my face and even uttered "Ohmygod" under my breath a few times. Was I really in Korea? A society that is so conservative really has a theme park like this? No way!
After a while, it feels less embarrassing to be there and I took photos to my heart's content ;)
There's a gallery with some displays. *Wow*! Let's just say - it leaves very little to the imagination. The lady working there was showing me various things and giggling so much. What a job she has...!
Everything about Loveland is sexual - even the shape of the park (depicted on the map) is phallic-shaped!
Anyways, the rain came down again :'( I was bummed about that. I don't like grey skies in my photographs. Headed back to the hotel and chilled for the rest of the evening watching TV.

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